The Best Part Of Yesterday's Blake Griffin Trade Was Watching The Fallout On Social Media

Obviously the Blake Griffin trade is the biggest story in the sports world today. People have been talking about what the Clippers next trade may be, how the Pistons are banking on an oft-injured player to bring back DEEEEEETROIIIIIIIT BASKETBALLLLLLLL back to its glory days, and just how shitty it is to move from LA to Detroit.

But like most things NBA-related, my favorite part was the social media reactions. We can talk about how much the regular season matters or if you have to watch before the 2 minutes. But no league on the planet delivers the comedy and drama of the NBA on social media.

We had alleged sex virgin Lolo Jones dropping bombs from the clouds.

Matt Barnes hitting Doc Rivers with the kind of vitriol he usually reserves for Derek Fisher.


Just flat out funny shit like this.

And then Blake capped it all with a reaction GIF for the ages.

God I love the NBA.

My personal favorite however was people reminding everyone of the stuff the Clippers did to keep Blake in LA before trading him a whole 6 months later.

It’s one thing to have your PA announcer use his gift to woo a player. Jesus Shuttlesworth got that treatment at Tech U before hopping in the sheets with Jill Kelly and Chasey Lain and he never dunked over a car.

But reliving that shirt with JFK, Martin Luther King Jr., Obama, etc. was top notch. That shirt was excessive when the Clippers wanted Blake. But to see it again after dumping his ass is laugh out loud funny. Can you imagine if India tried to move Gandhi to England for Tobias Harris, Avery Bradley, Boban, and some picks? The U.S. trying to use the stretch provision on Muhammad Ali after shipping him to Canada because he wouldn’t fight in the war? Blake Griffin signed up to be a pioneer and he’s about to pioneer his ass on some reverse Oregon Trail path to the 9th best team in the East on a 21 degree day. Hilarious.

Shit, I hate when NBA players remind everyone that they are actually real people on social media.

And that was Blogging Some Of My Favorite Tweets From Last Night On A Slow News Day But Not Breaking It Into 10 Different Blogs Simply For Pageviews Or Turning Into A Slideshow Like Bleacher Report Would. Now go Google the He Got Game sex scene because I know it’s been in your head since I wrote it. I have it open in another tab as I write this now.