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Liam Gallagher Had To Cut His Lollapalooza Set Short Last Night, So The Killers Performed 'Wonderwall' In His Place

Liam Gallagher was put in a really tough spot last night, having to cut his Lollapalooza set short due to his voice not cooperating with the music he was trying to sing. I can’t even imagine how much that must suck. You’re on stage in front of tens of thousands of people, they’re all excited to see and hear you live, and then you realize you cannot physically put on a respectable performance and have to tell them the show’s over. They’re disappointed, drunk, and mostly misunderstanding of the situation so they boo you as you’re leaving the stage in what must be despair, because the only thing going through their minds is “FUCK! We’re not gonna hear Wonderwall!”

Well, Brandon Flowers of The Killers made sure they did hear Wonderwall later on in the night.

Fucking awesome. I love The Killers, I think most people do. I mean, I legitimately don’t know anybody who doesn’t like them, so I don’t think I need to go to bat for them too much here, but this is such a testament to who they are. They’re an amazing rock n’ roll band who just understand how to put on a live show and give the crowd what they want. Apparently this isn’t something new for them, either. According to the /r/music subreddit, when Muse got rained out at Lollapalooza Chicago, The Killers played Starlight, and when Morrissey canceled his set at KROQ Almost Acoustic Christmas they played This Charming Man.

I saw them in January at Madison Square Garden and could say with confidence that they don’t disappoint. Here’s their final song at Glastonbury last year…