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Casey Kasem Hospitalized After His Wife Throws A Pound Of Hamburger Meat At His Daughter




(Source) Radio icon Casey Kasem was hospitalized in Washington on Sunday after a dramatic scene unfolded outside the home where he has been staying — a situation which culminated with his wife throwing a pound of hamburger meat at his eldest daughter from his first marriage. As ordered by Kitsap County Judge Jennifer Forbes on Friday, Casey Kasem’s daughter Kerri was able to visit him on Friday for the first time since his wife removed him from a Santa Monica facility and transported him to Washington without notifying his family. Forbes also ruled that Kerri Kasem, 41, would be able to take her father to be evaluated by a physician and hospitalized, if necessary.

Kerri Kasem testified at the hearing that the doctor hired by Jean Kasem had told her that her 82-year-old father had developed infections in his lungs and bladder and has bed sores.

“Kerri was just very, very upset because her dad’s health had declined so much since she and Julie saw him on May 6,” her aunt Mary Kasem, who lives in Michigan, told NBC News. He just went backwards. She was so heartbroken on Friday that it broke my heart.”On Sunday, Kerri Kasem arrived at the home with an ambulance to take Casey Kasem to a hospital, but paramedics were not allowed inside the Silverdale residence. A few minutes later, someone inside the home called 911, and a second ambulance and fire truck arrived. After the fire truck was called away to an emergency, Jean Kasem, 59, walked downstairs and threw a pound of raw hamburger meat at Kerri. The paramedics were finally able to go inside and pick up Casey Kasem.

After Casey Kasem was gone, Jean Kasem told NBC News that she was following a King James verse when she threw the meat at her stepdaughter.”In the name of King David, I threw a piece of raw meat into the street in exchange for my husband to the wild rabid dogs,” she said. “Everything she’s doing is just making it worse for herself,” Mary Kasem said when she learned how Jean had behaved on Sunday.




Can we just go one week without Casey Kasem getting lost or stolen or having some type of crazy thing happen to him? Is that too much to ask? I have too much on my mind to also be worried about Casey Kasem’s health 24/7. I thought we could live in a world where I can safely go to sleep on a Sunday night and not have to be concerned with Casey Kasem’s wife getting in a hamburger meat fight with his daughter all in the name of King David. Guess not. Guess it’s time for constant Thoughts and Prayers for Casey Kasem. Sad fucking day.



Casey Kasem’s wife has that I am the craziest bitch you’ve ever seen look. You can feel it on her. Assaulting people with Hamburger meat was only the appetizer here.