A College Finally Solved The Drug Crisis - Forces Students To Sign A Contract Promising They Won't Do Drugs On Campus
INDEPENDENT - A UK university has vowed to become the first in the country to bring in a “drug-free” policy which would force students to sign a contract not to take drugs on the grounds of the institution.
Students at the University of Buckingham (UB) may risk being expelled if they persist in taking substances on campus, officials have said, as it tries to become the country’s first drug-free university.
The announcement comes as the National Union of Students published a report urging universities to stop reporting students to the police for possession of drugs, after figures revealed that hundreds of incidents were reported to forces last year.
I think this move is going to be widely mocked and get a lot of snide comments, but I gotta be honest – I don’t hate it. In fact I think it could be the most effective countermeasure to drug abuse on college campuses yet. I mean just think about it. Think about how you react when you’re told to do something. You instantly want to do that thing even more. It’s just human nature. Nobody tells us what to do. We have free will. Some asshole administrator is sitting there telling me I absolutely cannot smoke weed on campus? Motherfucker my dad just cut you a check for $50K. Light my blunt for me.
But when someone asks politely? When they make you promise? That’s a whole different ballgame. I am a HUGE promise guy. I’ll never break a promise, and that’s a promise. I may decline your promise, but if I accept, then I am bound to it forever. If you’re not a man of your word then you’re no man at all, is what I always say. And the University of Buckingham is asking you to be a man/woman of your word.
In a letter published in the same paper, he said: “A completely new approach is needed. Student lives are needlessly being lost and imperilled.
“Universities need to shake themselves up and take more responsibility for students in their care.
“Information about the harm that drugs could do should be everywhere – as ubiquitous as the warnings on cigarette packets.
“The University of Buckingham is working towards becoming Britain’s first ‘drug-free’ university.”
He added: “We plan to ask our students to sign a contract that makes it clear that they will not take drugs on university property, nor be under their influence when on university business.
There’s a rebelliousness to breaking the rules that everybody gets amped up about. Whatever you’re doing is way more fun if it’s against the rules. But breaking a promise and disappointing someone and knowing you’re not a man of your word – that’s just a huge downer. And did you see that letter? Buckingham cares about you! They don’t want you to die! Jesus, it’s like breaking a promise to your mother. Brutal.
Mark my words, that 42% rise on drug incidents on campuses over the past 2 years will drop right back down to normal if more people institute the Promise Method.