The Oscar For Best Actor Goes To Frank Fleming For His Role As Fratty Part Animal Zander In Beer Game Show

The block is hot, the streets can't get enough of Beer Game Show. Thanks to everyone who has watched and supported. If you haven't watched the full episode yet, what are you waiting for? This is your invitation to an enjoyable experience. I keep describing it as show that is like Nickelodeon's Double Dare if DD aired on Adult Swim, and the contestants & studio audience were forced to smoke over the counter K2 gas station spice.
There are a billion moments that are more enjoyable than the ads, because at the end of the day, the ads are still a crummy commercial, son of a bitch! BUT, I'd say even the commercials are still a good time with how they feel like a television break but are still a miniature skit. The first commercial features Frank Flemming as Party Animal / Frat Star Zander who has spent an entire night partying with Adam 23 and Da Baby. Frank's acting is top notch, but rumors are swirling that Frank actually went on a 48 bender to prepare for this roll. There are definitely rumors of an Oscar in Frank's future for his performance. Don't believe me? Watch for yourself ...
While I don't think the acting is great in this commercial (you are your toughest critic), I do think the idea would have won Don Draper a Clio. Drinking delicious Stella Blue is the easiest decision anyone could make.
Commercials are never the most fun, but Frank Fleming deserved his flowers for knocking his performance out of the park. Now, go watch Beer Game Show if you haven't already, and if you have watched, hit play on the video and minimize the window while you're at work. The click is appreciated.